ATDA, a back-up target, did not have its own propulsion system, only an attitude control system, so Atlas did all the work and the sustainer stage also reached orbit. The first carried the Augmented Target Docking Adapter (ATDA) into a 300 km x 28.9 deg orbit for the Gemini 9A mission, a couple of weeks after the original Agena-launched target was lost in an Atlas failure.
Period: 1,435.10 min.During 19, four SLV-3 series Atlas launches with no upper stages were performed. The first SLV-3A standard Atlas booster (Vehicle 5506A) with the 370,000-pound thrust MA-5 propulsion system was delivered to the Air Force by Convair/Astronautics.

By April 1971, spacecraft perigee had increased to 26,400 km and inclination had increased to 54 deg. In addition, there was one each of the following types of experiments: radio astronomy, UV spectrum, Lyman-alpha, solar X ray, plasma waves, and electric field. OGO 5 carried 25 experiments, 17 of which were particle studies, and two were magnetic field studies. Agena was used as an upper stage with the Thor, augmented Thor, Atlas and Titan boosters it had played important roles in such military and NASA programs as Discoverer, Samos, Mariner, OGO, Lunar Orbiter, Ranger and Orbiting Astronomical Observatory. In the Gemini Agena, a control system could handle 96 commands from the astronauts or from ground stations. Agena had a main rocket engine capable of multiple re-starts in space in the modified target vehicle version it also had 2 secondary engines to provide small changes in velocity and position in orbit. Agena played a key role in manned space flight it was the target vehicle for rendezvous and docking maneuvers in NASA's Gemini project. space exploration, Agena was an upper stage which was also employed as a spacecraft, the whole vehicle going into orbit. Uprated Atlas booster with Agena D upper stage.ĪKA: Atlas Agena D SLV-3A SLV-3A.