
Best white out poster
Best white out poster

best white out poster

Namely, the once common practice among youth of “sniffing” and “huffing.” Your recent online piece about the (somewhat surprising) persistence of Wite-Out sales in our increasingly paperless world overlooks one of its more potent, if less prescribed, uses. Wite-Out covers those marks very well, but needs to be reapplied once a year. We have white tile floors on one level of our house. I use a bottle of Wite-Out to cover nicks on anything colored white: walls, refrigerator doors, the oven, tile, etc. The varieties of Wite-Out and Liquid Paper have shrunk in recent years, unfortunately, making it harder to find the right kind for one’s preferred sort of ink, and the ubiquitous foam wedges are less reliable than the brushes used to be. Those of us who do crossword puzzles every day regardless of difficulty, on paper and always in ink, occasionally need Wite-Out to provide a clean slate when the puzzle gets too messy. We used Wite-Out on the lipstick, and everything worked out just fine! I always have a box of it in the office for situations like that!” The next day, I called the caterer and asked what had happened with the lipstick problem. “Nothing good is going to happen here,” my wife said. It went down the front of the bride’s white wedding gown minutes before the ceremony, prompting the howl I heard. It turns out that the bride’s mother dropped the lipstick. My wife ran out of the room, grabbed me, and grimly said, “Let’s get out of here.” I stood outside waiting when, all of a sudden, a g-d-awful shriek was heard. My wife and I were at a wedding years ago, and as we were leaving the festivities, she went to the ladies’ room, where the bride for the next wedding was with her mother, putting on makeup. Permit me to add another use for the white stuff.

best white out poster

What a tangled web we weave when we use Wite-Out to deceive … :-) If I had to guess why correction fluids’ sales outpace those of other, dwindling office supplies, I’d put my money on its under-the-table use! But we stopped actually helping people falsify documents. If people have their own, it’s no business of ours what they do with it. We still offer a typewriter at the library (as well as computers, of course, which are used more conventionally), but we stopped offering correction fluids at the reference desks for this reason. for their landlord, a potential employer, or the government. As a librarian, I thought you would find it interesting that Liquid Paper and Wite-Out are still very popular at our library-as a means for people to alter forms! Savvy folks will make liquid corrections with the stuff, type over the change, then make a photocopy, and presto! Now they have a better drug test, work history, benefits papers, etc. I enjoyed your recent article about correction fluids. Here are a few more of the intriguing responses we received: The kids are conversant in more than just Snapchat and TikTok: “I still buy it, and about every six weeks I have to buy a new monitor :(,” replied You might be doing it wrong, sir.Įven though the digital world presents a grave threat to old-school office markets, a number of digital natives who are still in school wrote that they’re still required to use correction fluid for school projects. One reason that one might expect a dip in sales of correction fluids is that an increasing portion of written communication takes places over computers and phones, which don’t need Liquid Paper. (Also, cannabis is legal in an ever-growing number of states. To put this in black and white, so to speak: This is a very bad idea. Oops! Speaking of bad ideas, a surprising number of people wrote to say that they suspected one reason for Wite-Out’s resilience was that it can be sniffed to get high, though most of them were quick to assure me that while they knew people who had done so, they themselves were not users. And while I noted a few possible reasons that the correction-fluids business remains strong-sales of Wite-Out itself jumped 10 percent in 2017-there are a great many more unorthodox uses for sticky white fluid and its tape-based sibling that I didn’t cover.įirst, I should acknowledge that I may have committed a fatal error in writing the story itself: “First rule of wite-out. The answer, it turns out, is many of you. Last week, I asked who still uses correction fluids such as Wite-Out, and why.

Best white out poster